Creating a basic table of contents The first step is to apply the Heading styles to the text that you want to include in the table of contents.
Use Word s Insert Caption function to create the captions then the Insert Table of Figures option will allow you to build the table automatically.
If you don t know how to use styles, see: Formatting with styles in Word, available on our Documents Catalogue at If you have images, diagrams or tables in your document, you can list them in a table of figures. Once you have applied the styles, you can use the Table of Contents option to do all the hard work for you. Tables of contents and figures the easy way The key to creating a contents page quickly and easily is to use Word s built-in Heading styles, i.e. 1 Creating tables of contents and figures in Word 2013 Information Services Creating tables of contents and figures in Word 2013 This note shows you how to create a table of contents or a table of figures in just a few clicks of the mouse.